858 376 3650
9am - 6pm Tues Thurs Fri, 4pm - 6pm Mon Wed, 8am - 12pm Sat

Fertility Issues

My husband and I struggled with fertility for years. I had a friend that had success conceiving by seeing an acupuncturist. I didn’t know much about it so immediately did some research and read positive things. We didn’t want to go the in vitro route, and the idea of going all natural appealed to me. I stumbled upon  online and gave them a call to set up an appointment since they were close to where I lived and had great reviews. I’ve been seeing Kim now for almost 3 months, once a week, and I’m happy to report, we’re pregnant! She still wants to see my every other week during my first trimester. The treatment helps me with my stress and anxiety in addition to the pregnancy symptoms. I highly recommend this location. They’re office is clean and the staff, friendly. We owe our pregnancy to Acupuncture and to Kim Dela Cruz!

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