858 376 3650
9am - 6pm Tues Thurs Fri, 4pm - 6pm Mon Wed, 8am - 12pm Sat


[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Photo Gallery[/heading]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Testimonials[/heading]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Contact Form[/heading]
[contactform to_email=”test@example.com” title=”Contact Form”]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Footer posts[/heading]
[footer-posts show=”2″]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Team Member and Our Trainers[/heading]


Jr. Trainer

Team 3

Sr. Trainer

Team 2


Team 1

Sr. Coach

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Our Classes[/heading]
[ourclasses show=”4″]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Search Form[/heading]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Social Icons[/heading]

Social Icons ( Note: More social icons can be found at: http://fontawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/)

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Animation Name list[/heading]
bounce, flash, pulse, shake, swing, tada, wobble, bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeft, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRight, fadeInRightBig, fadeInUp, fadeInUpBig, fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRight, fadeOutRightBig, fadeOutUp, fadeOutUpBig, flip, flipInX, flipInY, flipOutX, flipOutY, lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut, rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight, rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight, slideInDown, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight, slideOutUp, rollIn, rollOut, zoomIn, zoomInDown, zoomInLeft, zoomInRight, zoomInUp

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]2 Column Content[/heading]
[column_content type=”one_half” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_half_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]3 Column Content[/heading]
[column_content type=”one_third” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_third” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_third_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 3 Content goes here…

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]4 Column Content[/heading]
[column_content type=”one_fourth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fourth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fourth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 3 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fourth_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 4 Content goes here…

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]5 Column Content[/heading]
[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 1 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 2 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 3 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 4 Content goes here…

[column_content type=”one_fifth_last” animation=”name of animation”]
Column 5 Content goes here…

HR / Horizontal separation line

[hr] or

Separator / blank space

[separator height=”20″]
Blank space without image

[blankspace height=”20″]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Tabs[/heading]
[tab title=”TAB TITLE 1″]
[tab title=”TAB TITLE 2″]
[tab title=”TAB TITLE 3″]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Toggle Content[/heading]
[toggle_content title=”Toggle Title 1″]
Toggle content 1…
[toggle_content title=”Toggle Title 2″]
Toggle content 2…
[toggle_content title=”Toggle Title 3″]
Toggle content 3…

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]Accordion Content[/heading]
[accordion_content title=”ACCORDION TITLE 1″]
[accordion_content title=”ACCORDION TITLE 2″]
[accordion_content title=”ACCORDION TITLE 3″]

[heading underline=”yes” align=”left”]All Gradient Button – Small[/heading]

[gradient_button size=”small” bg_color=”#e00″ color=”#fff” text=”Medium Gradient Button” title=”Medium Gradient Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Gradient Button – Medium

[gradient_button size=”medium” bg_color=”#060″ color=”#fff” text=”Medium Gradient Button” title=”Medium Gradient Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Gradient Button – Large

[gradient_button size=”large” bg_color=”#026″ color=”#fff” text=”Large Gradient Button” title=”Large Gradient Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Gradient Button – Xtra Large

[gradient_button size=”x-large” bg_color=”#00ccff” color=”#fff” text=”Extra Large Simple Button” title=”Extra Large Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Simple Button – Small

[simple_button size=”small” bg_color=”#c00″ color=”#fff” text=”Small Simple Button” title=”Small Simple Button” url=”#” position=”left”]
Simple Button – Medium

[simple_button size=”medium” bg_color=”#060″ color=”#fff” text=”Medium Simple Button” title=”Medium Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Simple Button – Large

[simple_button size=”large” bg_color=”#026″ color=”#fff” text=”Large Simple Button” title=”Large Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Simple Button – Xtra Large

[simple_button size=”x-large” bg_color=”#00ccff” color=”#fff” text=”Extra Large Simple Button” title=”Extra Large Simple Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Round Button – Light

[round_button style=”light” text=”Round Button” title=”Round Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Round Button – Dark

[round_button style=”dark” text=”Round Button” title=”Round Button” url=”” position=”left”]
Message Box – Success

[message type=”success”]This is a sample of the ‘success’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode[/message]
Message Box – Error

[message type=”error”]This is a sample of the ‘error’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]
Message Box – Warning

[message type=”warning”]This is a sample of the ‘warning’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]
Message Box – Info

[message type=”info”]This is a sample of the ‘info’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]
Message Box – About

[message type=”about”]This is a sample of the ‘about’ style message box shortcode. To use this style use the following shortcode.[/message]
List Styles

[unordered_list style=”list-1″]

  • List style 1


You can use above shortcode OR simply add class to ul. You can choose from list-1 to list-10 styles.

  • List style 1

Horizontal Separator
